Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Halloween is almost here!

I had to run to Wal-Mart today to grab some staples we were out of and I happened to pass by the pet Halloween collection. I searched for something to put on our poor pooch!! It made me think of a blog I read yesterday!
(Will somebody please tell me how to do the link thing??)

He tried to chew this off but he didn't succeed!!! Muahahaha!!!

Get along little doggie!!!

He's going to hate me for the rest of his poor life!!!

5 What's On Your Mind:

Tina Butler said...

Goodness that is to cute. I love the hat and the little man on his back to funny. are you going to take him trick or treating with the girls???? we are going to trick or treating in your neighborhood this year. Yeah!!! the kids are excited.

I will send you a email tomorrow on how to do the linking. Ü

Karen said...

Oh......I love the pet costume!!! So cute. My Wild Child will love your pictures. We'll be back tomorrow when she up to look at them again. :)

Jen said...

that is awesome. It almost makes me want a dog so that I can see that.

Naomi Ockeman said...

freakin' Awesome!!!

Angie said...

Sooooo adorable! I have 2 big dogs, so I don't get to indulge myself seeing them in costumes. They won't let me!

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