Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Please say a Prayer


Sorry for all that shouting!! I'm just so excited for her and her family!!!

On February 1st our Vicar and his wife took one of their daughters to the hospital and she has been there ever since. Things are looking very grim.
This whole thing is tearing my heart to pieces.
To read what has been going on please visit the blog they have set up for her story.

Pray For

I have no idea what to do for them. They are losing a daughter and I have NO IDEA WHAT TO DO OR SAY TO THEM.
They are also friends of ours and I feel like I am avoiding her at a time she needs us the most. But yet, I don't want to 'bother' her during this precious time with her daughter.

I was able to keep their other 4 children on Monday while they spent time with Lucy, but like I've been saying, I just wish there is more. Church members and friends are feeding them and also helping out with the babysitting.

I am asking that if you have a couple of moments please read about little Lucy and maybe say a prayer for her and her family. A miracle would be nice and we know that God can deliver when he sees fit.

All I can think right now is: His Will Be Done.....

Friday, February 5, 2010

Just Once!!! Can't it be about ME????

I was EXTREMELY Excited about this weekend!!! I have been looking forward to the first weekend in February since October! I hadn't been anticipating something like this since I'd been pregnant!
But I should have known better than to be so excited about something that only involved me and no other members of my family! S decided a couple of weeks back that while I was gone for the weekend he would take the 4 'hoodlums' with him up to see family for the weekend. When he first mentioned this I had a bit of a gut feeling that this wasn't the best idea but quickly pushed it aside. What was I worried about? I was going to be gone. He could handle the 4 kids in a car for 7 hours each way! I have done it before. Why can't he?
Oh and I guess I forgot to mention where I would be going! My first ever Scrapbooking weekend getaway!!! Now do you see why I was so excited?
So back to my husband 'babysitting' our kids for the weekend.......
guess what? he only has to watch three now!!!
Littlest Hoodlum has a bad case of butt vomit and she is in no condition to be traveling unless we want said butt vomit leaking EVERYWHERE and smelling up the van. I guess, 'we' meaning S because I wouldn't be with them.
So I guess I already gave it away that I will be the one staying home with her because it only makes sense. You see, I was the first one to make plans to be away for the weekend. and I said it would be okay for them to head north. and I don't know what else I did but I apparently am the one who get's butt detail this weekend instead of spending an 'adult only' weekend!! without my kids. did you know i have NEVER been away from ALL four of my children EVER????
I'm really not trying to sound like a big ol' baby. But I am hurt and disappointed and pissed!!!!
All rolled up into one blubbering ball of a mess!!!! And I can't even tell the other person involved in this how I really feel!!! It sucks!! I just roll over and take it!
And I made cookies to take!!! Not just regular mix em' up an bake them. NO!!! I made little cookies that look like rulers and hole punches and adhesive rollers and ink pads and little tshirts that say 'crop till u drop'!!! ALL. I. KEEP. DOING. IS. CRYING!!!!
but I have to stop because I need to finish up laundry and pack the kids clothes and make them food to eat on their drive!!


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