then I anticipated! That's a good thing for now.
Sean left Sunday morning for 2 weeks...2 weeks.
I do not like this whole single parent thing.
I will tell you, I haven't been as lazy as I usually am.
The house is decent looking, everyone is getting fed and baths at night!
It's kind of been nice with him less mouth to feed, less laundry
to do and one less person to pick up after.
I better not get too excited about this.
I still have a whole 'nother week left!! YIKES!!!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
The Days Are Passing Quicker.....
Thought up by Jess at 2:37 PM 2 What's On Your Mind
Labels: 2 weeks
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Need a Job in Dallas?
I sure would like to make some extra money....but my morals or should I say my children are getting in the way!
There is a strip club in Dallas called Cabaret Royale...and they are hiring!!
They are having a Job Fair today and are planning on hiring 150 to 200 people!
Just imagine how quickly I could get my van paid off!!!
I did tell Sean that I would be very uncomfortable giving 10% of that too the church.
I just thought it was funny to see THIS on the news the other night!!
I heard on the radio yesterday, when the owner was being interviewed,...the DJ told him
'Thanks for stimulating the economy, along with other things!' haha!
(I know, I'm very immature for my age!)
The Job Fair is called, 'Jobless to Topless'...and I just can't take the chance going since I have 4
daughters of my own. It makes me think back to the picture from THIS POST
They've already been dancing on table tops (the coffee table, while singing Hannah Montana songs!) and pole dancing (around the swing set). I know that doesn't mean anything, but I sure don't want to add fuel to the fire!!
Thought up by Jess at 8:31 AM 4 What's On Your Mind
Labels: get a job
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Communication is Key.....
This morning Sean told me......
"Oh, yeah, when I talked to mom the other day....(meaning Saturday!) she told me my Great Aunt's Birthday is coming up.
Me: Oh, yeah?
Him: Yes, and I just wanted to say, You know that I really, really, really, love you? Right?
Me: Yeah, but, what are you wanting me to do????
Him: Oh, well, since you asked.....My GA just wants a 'Card Party' instead of an actual party or with presents or you make her a couple of cards?.......She needs them by Saturday.
Me: Uh, sure......You do realize it takes 2 days for the mail to get to her? and I still have to take care of the kids while I make the cards? and she probably won't get her cards till Monday now...because I'm probably gonna miss the mail today!!
Him: So you'll make them then?
Me: Sure, but I'm not promising ANYTHING else will get done today!! :)
So....this is what I came up with.......
The cupcake one is from the girls and the second one is from Sean and I.
Cute, Huh? Nothing like spur of the momentness to get something done!!
I know I haven't formally come out and said it.....but I am a Consultant for Close To My Heart and I used left overs from their 'Tickled Pink' Scrabooking Kit. It already has the glitter on the pages!! *giggle* (For the card on the right)
I NEVER thought in my whole life I would be so super duper excited about glitter. But I am!!
The cupcake card was made with the 'Daydream' Kit.
Super cute too if you are in to the whole 'Princesses and Pink' thing like I am!!
And while I was at it, I thought I'd make a couple of Birthday cards for my Bestie's little boy's birthdays that I missed awhile back.
I really enjoyed making these. I hope I can keep it up..........Yeah, Right!!
Thought up by Jess at 2:00 PM 8 What's On Your Mind
Labels: bday cards
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
It's Looking A Little Greener Over Here!
I just wanted to share a couple of things we've started doing around our house to be a little more 'green' and my frugal attemps.
And when I go shopping I am sure to take in MY BAGS with me so that I don't have to use the plastic ones!! This was hard for me at first. I would leave them in the back of the van and be at the door before I would realize I needed to go back and get them. So, I would turn around and go get them, with baby on hip and ALL 3 children following me! (Sometimes I feel like a mother duck with all her babies behind her. Does anyone else ever picture themselves that way?)
Okay, back to what I'm talking about:
We also made our own compost bin using a tutorial from The Happy Housewife
This has probably been one of the hardest things for me to do believe it or not. Just because I have to remember what NOT to throw in the trash anymore.
We also recycle because the town we live in picks up recyclables every Thursday. You don't even have to sort it. Just put it ALL in ONE bag and they pick it up! Recycling has never been so easy!!
I'm also cloth diapering which is saving a ton of waste! I don't have a picture of the diapers I'm using right now. But I seriously can not believe I waited so long to do this!
We also hardly ever use paper towels any more. The holder has been empty for 3 days and nobody seems to have noticed. I have a basket of cloth napkins on our kitchen table that the kids use for just about every kind of clean up, i.e. spilt milk, water, cleaning glasses, boogers!
And now for our newest venture:
Hanging our clothes out on the line!!
I told my mom I was doing this and she asked if I was crazy. She asked me if I remembered how stiff everything got and that the birds would probably poop on my clothes!! I told her that I remebered and if the birds did poop than I would just wash them again!!
And, YES. I did have to hang some pants on the fence.
I waited too long to do laundry so I was trying to get everything caught up and I ran out of line!
Are you doing anything green? I'd love to hear about it!
Thought up by Jess at 1:40 PM 6 What's On Your Mind
Labels: a brand new dryer for 15 bucks
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Want another laugh?
Is it wrong that I think this is funny??
How about the same thing over and over and over again???
Or how about with another child?
What can I say? Cheap entertainment!!
And in case you are wondering....yes, that is an alley we are playing in...and yes, It is our alley....and No! That is not our driveway!!! It's the neighbors!!!
I hope you all are having a good Wednesday!
Thought up by Jess at 5:59 PM 6 What's On Your Mind
Labels: superfast
Sunday, April 5, 2009
The Devil was in church THIS MORNING!
I woke up earlier this morning than most. I needed to wash my hair and fix it before the kids woke up and Sean left for work VERY early this morning. I made my punch last night for the reception after church so I wouldn't have to worry about that this morning. I woke the girls up, fed them breakfast, the older two got dressed and then dressed Dakoda while I got Hayleigh ready.
Sounds like everythings running smoothly, right? Yeah, I thought so too.
Loaded everyone in the car and I even remembered to put the punch in. We had enough time that I let Dakoda load a little bag of hers with a coloring book, markers and ponies. (What was I thinking? I know better than to let my kids take something fun to church!! I ALWAYS pay for it later!)
We got to church at 9:25 this morning and it doesn't start till 9:30. (Had the world ended?)
My little Angels helped me carry everything in and put the punch in the Fellowship Hall.
We arrived in time for the big girls to get their palm fronds and walk in with the other kids during the processional. (This is a big deal for us. We usually don't get to church until 9:35 or 9:40! )
After the processional M and T came and sat with me and the little girls. It was going great at first. Dakoda was coloring, Madison was sitting nicely, Taylor was coloring even though I had told her three times already it was for Dakoda. Hayleigh was quite and content with her sippy cup for.....oh....3 seconds.
Then, my children left and satan took over!!!
Dakoda had snuck change into her purse. Not just a couple of dimes and some nickles. Oh no, that would be okay. I'm talking $10 in pennies. At least that's what it sounded like when she turned her purse over on the seat and DUMPED. IT. ALL. OUT!!!! Pennies are rolling everywhere, Hayleigh scoots off my lap the fastest she's ever moved. The lady behind me is passing change back up as more falls off the chair. I'm about in tears.
During the prayer.....Taylor was practicing her thriller dance! I gave her 'THE LOOK' told her to fold her hands because we were praying. Hayleigh is head banging my lip! I look back at Taylor and she has slid down to the floor and is doing Gymnastics exercises!!!! Where is Dakoda you may be asking? Oh....wondering down the aisle TALKING. ON. HER. CELL. PHONE!!!!
I have to give Madison credit. She was sitting in the chair nicely. When we prayed she was standing with her hands folded and head bowed.
As soon as the prayer had ended I told the girls to gather their stuff because WE. ARE. LEAVING!!!!
Madison looked at me and said, "To go home?"
Me: YYEESSSSSSS!!!!!!! (In as much of a whisper as I could muster!)
And all are gonna love this part!!
I thought that I could just SNEAK my kids out of church! Yeah, like that was gonna work!!
I had Hayleigh in my arm and nudged Dakoda out of our seats. Madison was following. Taylor chose not to listen to me at that time and proceeded to lay in the pew.
We almost made it to the door, Taylor decided to follow and I. STEPPED. ON. THE. BACK. OF. DAKODAS. FLIP FLOP!!
And DOWN SHE WENT!!! crying and carrying on!
I could not have drawn more attention to myself if I would have stood up during prayer and announced that WE WERE LEAVING!!
Madison held the door open. I set Hayleigh down in the hall. I went back to get Dakoda and her flip flops. Madison was still holding the door and Hayleigh was coming back in. (Are you kidding me? Really?)
All five of us made it out of the door and Taylor asked, "What are we doing?"
I lost it, tears flooded my eyes, I told her to go back in and get her coat and bible because we were leaving.
I had to go to the Fellowship Hall first and dump the punch in the bowl. Dakoda was crying because she didn't want to leave.
We made it back to the car and I loaded everyone in practically blind. I was crying so hard I couldn't see. My 'waterproof' mascara was running down my face.
I DID NOT yell at them though. They knew I was upset so they asked questions and with as much calmness as I could I answered their questions.
I've realized there are some changes I need to make with myself and by doing that.....I'm seriously hoping that my children will come back.
Thought up by Jess at 11:53 AM 7 What's On Your Mind
Labels: I want my kids back
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Happy 1st Birthday Pictures! (Only a month late!)
Thought up by Jess at 5:23 PM 2 What's On Your Mind
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Tea Time
I was in charge of invites, cake and cookies.
I barely got the invites sent out a week before the party and I had to make them and mail them from Missouri while I was visiting. (I forgot my stuff when I left TX so I had to start all over!! GO ME!!)
Included in each invite was a Pink card with "Princess __girl's name___" on each. They brought the card with them and the 'butler' announced the Princesses as they arrived. Very fun!
I baked the cake Thursday night and iced it on Friday.
What kind of cake was it you ask?
I had so much fun making this and ALL the little girls AND moms LOVED it!!
I also made cookies with the girls names on them.
The party started at 4:30 so as the girls arrived Butler Rob took each girl into the parlor and announced them to Princess Abby. After they had been announced they took thier dress up clothes into Mrs. Smith's bedroom and laid them out on the bed.
Next stop was the kitchen table where they placed flowers and ribbons on a white hat. Another lady was there hot gluing the flowers on.
After the hats were made the girls were off to get dressed up. They came out of the bedroom in their dressup clothes and hats on! Mrs. Smith had an assortment of shoes and jewelry for the girls to wear! THEY LOVED IT!!!
Next was Tea. The girls went out to the porch, chose a chair and put little white gloves on after they sat down. It was adorable....I think they were in Heaven!!!
(Finally, I do have two more children!)
And the cookies were passed around!
One little girl cracked me up....I gave a little girl sitting next to her a cookie and
she said, "I want a cookie just like hers!"
I said, "Yours is a little different......""I want a cookie just like hers!!!!"
Me: Honey, yours is different because it has your name on it.
Her: Oh..........
Then the cake was brought out, 'Happy Birthday' was sung, and she couldn't blow out the candles because the wind had picked up.
Presents were opened and a little modeling ensued.
The girls tried on each others clothes and walked out into the living room, one by one to model.
Of course Taylor came out bearing tummy. It was a belly dancer costume and she had bangles on her arm so she gave a little 'shake'! Oh, to think what her daddy would have done if he would have seen that!!!
Finally, it was time to pack up and go home.
Thought up by Jess at 8:17 AM 4 What's On Your Mind
Labels: tea time over