Monday, October 6, 2008

Fall Is My Favorite!

I've felt for a long time that Fall is my favorite season. I just hadn't realized how true that was until after I had painted most of the rooms in my house. When fall 'arrived' on the calendar, I was sitting in the dining room telling my poor hubby, probably for the 500th time, that fall was my 'favorite'.

Me: Did you know fall is my favorite season?

Him: Yes!

Me: I just love the colors!

Him: I know.

Me: How do you know? Have I told you before?

Him: Yes, but another way I know is that practically every room in our house is a fallish color.

(Actually, he didn't say 'fallish', I added that, he would kill me if he knew! 'Fallish is not 'his' word!!) LOL

Me: Oh, I guess I have!!

So that really got me wanting to go all out and decorate this fall. I'm still unpacking. I know, that is just horrible. We have been here for 4 months now and we are still living out of ALOT of boxes. I have a disease. I am a 'clutterbug'! We have moved so much stuff with us. I admit, a lot of it is trash. I am slowly getting rid of it and that is why I have procrastinated my unpacking. I am making some head way. So to reward myself I have done a little 'fall decorating'!

Here are a couple of pics I would like to share!

I have both of these setting on my mantel.

Sean picked out the spider. I thought it was crazy at first, but ol' spidey has grown on me!!

This is the light fixture in our Dining Room!
Like I said, it's just a little, but I hope it's enough to keep me decluttering, so I can put up more!!

2 What's On Your Mind:

Naomi Ockeman said...

I am with fall...the cooler weather is nice!!

Tina Butler said...

Jess, Fall is my favorite time of the year as well. I love to pull all those decorations out and put them all over the house. I love the little wooden country decorations. Now we just need the Fall weather and we will be set Ü

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