and a New Attitude!!!
Thank you friends who gave me some words of encouragement!!!
I felt much better after my little rant!!
But isn't that why some of us start a blog?
To rant about what we think is bad in our lives at the moment....
or rave about what's so fantabulou s!!
I know that's why I started this!! and it helps me so much!!
I kept many journals when I was younger and I kept writing until I had my second child,
Then after the 4th I started this blog!!
Talk about a life saver!!! And ALL of the wonderful friends I have made!!!
So I've decided to grab this 'bull by the horns' or LIFE as we so often refer to is as.
Thinking back to some or more like most of my posts, I have been so negative and that is not who I want to be or people to think of me as. Since this month we celebrate THANKSGIVING! I want to be more Thankful and Positive!!
Can you believe it is already November 1st???
I still can't!! Where has this year gone? It seems like only yesterday when I posted the GREAT SCRAPBOOKING WEEKEND!!!
Which ended up turning out very well, Sean is not making the 7 hour drive home again, Thankfully! he has a fun weekend planned at home with the girls!! I am actually leaving this weekend for another one and I'm thinking about working on some new crafts for MY ETSY SHOP instead of actually scrapbooking.
So here are some of my positives!!
- We are loving are new church, as I have mentioned before!
- All four of the girls LOVE, LOVE, LOVE school and are so good at it!!!
- My husband has a job!
- We have a place to call home!
- I just recently started a NEW blog for all of my 'Homemaking adventures' if you are interested it is I will still be posting the ups and downs of my life here, hopefully more ups than downs though!!
- I'm trying to make more things for my Etsy shop and I really love making cupcakes now, I just wish I could sell those too!! and if there is anything you would like to see made, I'm open to suggestions, I haven't found my niche yet of what I just LOVE to make!!
Thank you my loyal readers and friends!! It's so nice having you around!!! :)